ECHOVECTORVEST MDPP PRECISION PIVOTS Copyright and Trademark Terminology Matrix contains references, utilities, terms, shorthand notations and designations, algorithms, definitions, constructs, calculations, tools, and code, among other items, reflecting, in part, PROTECTVEST AND ADVANCEVEST BY ECHOVECTORVEST MDPP PRECISION PIVOTS Advanced Analytical Processes and Forecast Model Architectural Components at the basic level.
These items are useful aids in interpreting the MDPP Model-Based ECHOVECTORVEST MDPP PRECISION PIVOTS illustrational TRADER'S EDGE EASYGUIDE FORECAST CHARTS and TRADER'S EDGE SNAPCHARTS, and their highlights, and the shorthand notation referenced in other issued MDPP Model-Based ECHOVECTORVEST MDPP PRECISION PIVOTS Forecasts, Alerts, Illustrations, GuideCharts, Commentary, Articles, Published Strategies and Price Switches*, as well as other MDPP Model-Based ECHOVECTORVEST MDPP PRECISION PIVOTS Narratives, Displays, Posts, and Distributions.

Following are more examples of the fundamental concepts, algorithms, and lexical construct references within the EchoVectorVEST Trademark Terminology Matrix.
HFT = High Frequency Trading
g = gld etf
d = dia etf
.xx = Price quoted to cents on active $ price level.
r = reset (new adjustment and setting of OOTVs)
t = TAUA, trailing automatic upward adjustment of ootv(s)
b = for both FNPI and FNPDS.
Also assume both without mention of "b" unless "-b" specified instead.
f = fulfilled. No designated "f" does not preclude fulfilment occurred.
fr = from prior active high reset (adjustment) of active OOTV(s).
c = cover
cov = cover
na = now active
s = OOTV(s) reset (adjusted) to same value as cover price level
ts = TAUA set at same level as cover price quoted
t1 = TAUA set 1 cent above cover price quoted
t02 = TAUA set 2 cents above cover price quoted, etc.
t03 = TAUA set 3 cents above cover price quoted, etc.
t05 = TAUA set 5 cents above cover price quoted, etc.
t10 = TAUA set 10 cents above cover price quoted, etc.
a = active high reset price levels for active fnpi and fnpds OOTV(s) settings
apr = prior active high OOTV adjustment price level from TAUA or specified reset.
g = capital gain lock base differential (multiply by 3 for total (gt) when b = FNPI and FNPDS).
gt = captial gain lock total differential, total differential from total short-term move.
ae = time am est
pe = time pm est
tp = current trading price (bid, last print)
g c .70 rs t05 b f fr .80 g .10 gt .30
OOTVTAPS: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch: ootv or otaps (for short)
Precision Pivots EchoVectorVEST MDPP Terminology Copyright and Trademarks references are utilities, constructs, terms, shorthand notations and designations, and references, and code parts reflecting, in part, Precision Pivots PROTECTVEST AND ADVANCEVEST BY ECHOVECTORVEST MDPP Advanced Analytical Processes and Forecast Model Architecture Components at the basic level, and are useful aids in interpreting the MDPP Model-based Precision Pivots ECHOVECTORVEST MDPP Illustrational TRADER'S EDGE EASYGUIDE FORECAST CHARTS and TRADER'S EDGE SNAPCHARTS and their Highlights, and the shorthand notation referenced in other issued Forecasts, Alerts, Illustrations, GuideCharts, Commentary, Articles, Published Strategies and Price Switches*, and other Narratives, Displays, Posts, and Distributions.
Trademark and Copyright Utilities to Aid the Understanding, Navigation and Interpretation of Model-Based Illustrations, Highlights, and Alerts
EVV MDPP Trademark and Copyright Terminology Grid Guide and Code Time Periods and other EVV MDPP Trademark and Copyright Terminology Grid Guide and Code Constructs, Terms, Shorthand, and References may be combined with any other EVV MDPP Trademark and Copyright Terminology Grid Guide and Code Constructs, Terms, Shorthand, and References for additional EVV MDPP Trademark and Copyright Terminology Grid Guide and Code Constructs, Terms, Shorthand, and References.
Trademark Terminology Time Periods and other Terminology Code References may be placed in front of any of these for additional EVV MDPP Trademark and Copyright Terminology constructs, terms, shorthand, and references.
PV ProtectVEST
AV AdvanceVEST
EVV EchoVectorVEST
MDPP Motion Dynamics and Precision Pivots
BMRA Bradford Market Research and Analytics
FMAP Forecast Model and Alert Paradigm
AAM Active Advance Management
AAPM Active Advance Position Management
VOM Value Optimization Methodology
ARMTT Advanced Risk Management Trade Technology
OTAPS On/Off/Through Vector Target Application Price Switch
RV Derivative Rider Vehicle Instrument
L4 PV/AV Level 4 Selected Derivative(s) Rider Vehicle(s) Basket
TTM Trademark Terminology Matrix
ARG Algorithm Reference Guide
LC Lexical Code
TTMARGLC Trademark Terminology Matrix and Algorithm Reference Guide and Lexical Code
TTRGC Trademark Terminology Reference Guide and Code
TCT Trademark and Copyright Terminology
TTGGC Trademark Terminology Grid Guide and Code
TCTGGC Trademark and Copyright Terminology Grid Guide and Code
EV EchoVector
GC GuideGhart
EGC EasyGuideChart
TE Trader's Edge
TEC Trader's Edge Chart
TEEGC Trader's Edge Easy Guide Chart
TC TradeChart
EVTC EchoVectorTradeChart
EVC EchoVectorChart
EVGC EchoVectorGuideChart
EVEGC EchoVectorEasyGuideChart
SC SnapChart, Snapshot Chart
EGSC EasyGuideSnapChart
VGC VectorGuideChart
EVS EchoVectorSnapshot
EVSTC EchoVectorSnapshot Chart
EV Echovector, EchoVector
24HEV Daily EchoVector , 24 Hour EchoVector
DEV Daily EchoVector
WEV Weekly EchoVector
2WEV Bi-Weekly EchoVector
MEV Monthly EchoVector
QEV Quarterly EchoVector
2QEV 6 Month EchoVector, 2 Quarters
3QEV 9 Month EchoVector, 3 Quarters
4QEV 12 Month EchoVector, 4 Quarters, Annual
AEV 12 Month EchoVector, 4 Quarters, Annual
YEV 12 Month EchoVector, Yearly
6QEV 18 Month EchoVector
8QEV 18 Month EchoVector
2AEV 2 Year EchoVector
CCEV Congressional Cycle EchoVector
4AEV 4 Year EchoVector
PCEV Presidential Cycle EchoVector
8AEV 8 Year EchoVector
RCCEV Regime Change Cycle EchoVector (4 or 8 years)
5AEV 5 year EchoVector
FRCAEV Federal Reserve EchoVector, 5 year
1OAEV 10 year, one Decade, EchoVector
CLEV Closing EchoVector
OPEV Opening EchoVector
FT Fourier Transform
EOEV European Open EchoVector
ECEV European Close EchoVector
AAMEHEV American Pre-Market AM Hours EchoVector
AOEV American Open EchoVector
ACEV American Close EchoVector
APMEHEV American PM Extended Hours EchoVector
AOEV Asian Open EchoVector
ACEV Asian Close EchoVEctor
PPP Precision Pivot Point
EVBD EchoVectorBackDate
EBD EchoBackDate
EBPD EchoBackPeriod
EBPT EchoBackPoint
EBPR EchoBackPrice
ETD EchoTradeDate
ETP EchoTradePoint
ETPL EchoTradePriceLevel
ETS EchoTradeSignal
EW EchoWave
EBW EchoBackWave
FEVTD Forecast EchoVectorTradeDate
FEVTP Forecast EchoVectorTradePoint
EPD EchoPriceDifferential
ETD EchotradeDate
ETDs EchoTradeDates
ETP EchoTimePoint
ETTP EchoTradeTimePoint
EV EchoVector
BE BackEchos
BD BackDate
QEVB QuarterlyEchoVectorBackDate
ET EchoTop
EB EchoBottom
EW EchoWave
EBW EchoBackWave
EP EchoPoint
ETFR EchoTimeFrame
ETPD EchoTimePeriod
QEVEBP QuarterlyEchoVectorEchoBackPeriod
QEVEBD QuarterlyEchoVectorEchoBackDate
2QEVEBP 2QuarterEchoVectorEchoBackPeriod
TF TimeFrame
PATF PriceActionTimeFrame
ATF ActionTimeFrame
MTF MonthlyTimeFrame
DATF DailyActionTimeFrame
APEV Ascending Pivot EchoVector
DPEV Descending Pivot EchoVector
PAPFEV Parallel Ascending Pivot Forecast EchoVector
PAPFEV Parallel Descending Pivot Forecast EchoVector
PV PivotVector
EVBD EchoVectorBackDate
EBD EchoBackDate
BD BackDate
QEVBD Quarterly EchoVector BackDate
2QEVBD Six-month EchoVector BackDate
ET EchoTop
EB EchoBottom
PEV Pivot EchoVector
APV Ascending Pivot EchoVector
DPEV Descending Pivot EchoVector
QEVAPEV Quarterly EchoVector Ascending Pivot EchoVector
QEVPAPFEV Quarterly EchoVector Parallel Ascending Pivot Forecast EchoVector
QEVPDPFEV Quarterly EchoVector Parallel Descending Pivot Forecast EchoVector
ED EchoDate
ETD EchoTradeDates
ETTPs EchoTradeTimePoints
EP EchoPattern
EW EchoWave
EBW EchoBackWave
BE BackEcho
BEDs BackEchoDates
FL Forecast Load
ENV Envelop Vectors
CV Channel Vectors
HH High to High
LL Low to Low
TT Top to Top
BB Bottom to Bottom
HHENV High to High Envelop Vector
HHCV High to High Channel Vector
ST ShortTerm
AA Action Alert
CA Continuance or Continuation Alert
FPHI Full Portfolio Hedge Insurance
PFNS Portfolio Full Net Short
PFNL Portfolio Full Net Long
EVV EchoVectorVEST
MDPP Motion Dynamics and Precision Pivots
WP WavePeriod
EWP EchoWavePeriod
BLV BullishVector
BLEV BullishEchoVector
BRV BearishVector
BREV BearishEchoVector
BP BackPeriod
EBP EchoBackPeriod
EVBP EchoVectorBackPeriod
EBW EchoBackWave
EVBW EchoVectorBackWave
BRP BaseReferencePoint
BRD BaseReferenceDate
EETD EstimatedEchoTradeDate
EETP EstimatedEchoTradePoint
FETD ForecastEchoTradeDate
FETP ForecastEchoTradePoint
PETD ProjectedEchoTradeDate
PETP ProjectedEchoTradePoint
EBW EchoBackWave
EBD EchoBackDate
BED BackEchoDate
EVTP EchoVectorTradePeriod
EVTD EchoVectorTradeDate
SWP SubjectWavePeriod
SEWP SubjectEchoWavePeriod
SEVWP SubjectEchoVectorWavePeriod
SBLV SubjectBullishVector
SBLEV SubjectBullishEchoVector
SBRV SubjectBearishVector
SBREV SubjectBearishEchoVector
AEPFEV-P Active Extrapolated Parallel Forecast EchoVector, Projection
EVV MDPP Trademark and Copyright Terminology Grid Guide and Code Time Periods and other EVV MDPP Trademark and Copyright Terminology Grid Guide and Code Constructs, Terms, Shorthand, and References may be combined with any other EVV MDPP Trademark and Copyright Terminology Grid Guide and Code Constructs, Terms, Shorthand, and References for additional EVV MDPP Trademark and Copyright Terminology Grid Guide and Code Constructs, Terms, Shorthand, and References.
Trademark Terminology Time Periods and other Terminology Code References
may be placed in front of any of these for additional EVV MDPP Trademark
and Copyright Terminology constructs, terms, shorthand, and references.
1. QEV and EBD to QEVEBD, QuarterlyEchoVectorEchoBackDate.
2. AEV and EBD to AEVEBD, AnnualEchoVEctorEchoBackDate.
3. QEV and WP and SBLV to QEVSWPSBLV, QuarterlyEchoVectorSubjectWavePeriodSubjectBullishVector.
4. EVV and QEV and AEPFEV-P to EVVQEVAEPFEV-P, EchoVectorVESTQuarterlyEchoVectorActive ExtrapolatedParallelForecastEchoVector, Projection
5.EVV and TCTGGC to EVVTCTGGC, EchoVectorVESTTrademarkandCopyrightTerminologyGridGuideandCode
EchoVectorVEST Copyright/Trademark Terminology Matrix and Lexical Code and Algorithm Matrix Guide: Further Example of Combined Notation from Published Posts And/Or Articles
FNPL: Full Net Portfolio Long.
FNPDL: Full Net Portfolio Double Long
FNPosL: Full Net Position Long
FNPosS: Full Net Position Short
FNPosDL: Full Net Position Double Long
FNPosDS: Full Net Position Double Short
PEB: Price Equivalency Basis
CSG: Capital Price Spread Gain
CSL: Capital Price Spread Gain locked in.
CGL: Capital Gain Lock
CGLuv Capital Gain Lock from Long Basket Positioning (upvector)
CGLdv Capital Gain Lock from Short Basket Positioning (downvector)
GCGL Gross Capital Gain Lock
KEV Key EchoVector
KQEV Key Quarterly EchoVector
FEV Forecast EchoVector
KFEV Key Forecast EchoVector
KQEV Key Quarterly EchoVector
QEVFEV Quarterly EchoVector Forecast EchoVector
KQEVFEV Key Quarterly EchoVector Forecast EchoVector
ST Short-Term
DV DownVector
UV UpVector
RV Resistance Vector
SV Support Vector
EXTV Extension Vector
TP Target Price
PT Price Target
AP Application Price
OOTV On-Off-Through Vector
OOTVTP On--Off-Through Vector Target Price
OOTVPT On- Off-Through Vector Price Target
DV OOTV AP DownVector On-Off-Through Vector Application Price
TAUA Trailing Automatic Upward Adjustment (Automatic Price Target Reset)
APR Automatic Price Reset
IR Initial Post-Cover OOTV Price Reset.
BWO by-way-of
FVParallelogramS Forecast Vector Parallelogram Vector Spread
WEVFVPSpread Weekly EchoVector Forecast Vector Parallelogram Spread
RMHOP Regular Market Hours Opening Price
RMHCP Regular Market Hours Closing Price
WOP Weekly Closing Price
WCP Weekly Opening Price
DD Daily Differential
DDPG Daily Differential Price Gain
GDDPG Gross Daily Differential Price Gain
DPG Daily Price Gain
WD Weekly Differential
WDPG Weekly Differential Price Gain
GWDPG Gross daily differential Price Gain
WPG Weekly Price Gain
PG Price Gain
PMPD Passive Market Participation Differential
PAAMMID ProtectVEST Active Advanced Management Methodology Induced Differential
PMPDDPG Passive Market Participation Daily Differential Price Gain
PAAMMIDDGPG ProtectVEST Active Advanced Management Methodology Induced Daily Differential Gross Price Gain
EV Echovector, EchoVector
ED EchoDate
ETP EchoTimePoint
FEV Forecast EchoVector
KFED Key Forecast EchoDate
FETP Forecast (Forward) EchoTimepoint
KFETP Key Forecast EchoTimePoint
EBD EchoBackDate
EBTP EchoBackTimePoint
KEBD Key EchoBackDate
KEBTP Key EchoBackTimePoint
DEV Daily EchoVector
24HEV 24Hour EchoVector
2DEV 2Day EchoVector
48HEV 48Hour EchoVector
WEV Weekly EchoVector
2WEV Bi-Weekly EchoVector
MEV Monthly EchoVector
2MEV Bi-monthly EchoVector
QEV Quarterly EchoVector
2EV 6-Month EchoVector, 2 Quarters
3QEV 6- Month EchoVector, 3 Quarters
4QEV 12-Month EchoVector, 4 Quarters, Annual
AEV 12-Month EchoVector, Yearly
6QEV 18-Month EchoVector
1.5AEV 18-Month EchoVector
2AEV 2-Year EchoVector
CCEV Congressional Cycle EchoVector
4AEV 4-Year EchoVector
PCEV Presidential Cycle EchoVector
8AEV 8-Year EchoVector
RCCEV Regime Change Cycle EchoVector (4 or 8 Years)
5AEV 5-Year EchoVector
FRCEV Federal Reserve EchoVector, 5-Year
10AEV 10-Year, One Decade, EchoVector
RT Refers to the ALERT, NOTICE, OR OTAPS ADJUSTMENT Price: being the present real-time time-stamped price existing at the time of the time-stamp on the ALERT's, NOTICE's, OR OTAPS ADJUSTMENT's post (as issued and time-stamped) occurring in the US Markets: The real-time market price existing at the time of the alert, notice, or otaps adjustment. The real-time market price of record. (See NY Exchange, Chicago Exchange, Nasdaq Exchange, and other majors.)
RTP Same as RT
PMO Pre-Market Open NY
EHMC Extended Hours Market Close
RMO NY Regular Market Open 9:30AM ET
RMC NY Regular Market Close 4PM ET
FSEO, EMO Frankfort (European Market) Open 3AM ET
FSEC, EMC Frankfurt (European Market) Close 11:30AM ET
LSEO London Open 3AM ET
LSEC London Close (extended) 12PM ET
TSEO Tokyo Open 8PM ET
TSEC Tokyo Close 2PM ET
HSEO, ASOO Hong Kong/Asian Open 9:15PM ET, 10PM ET
HSEC, ASOC Hong Kong/Asian Close 4AM ET
ASEO Sydney Open 8PM ET
ASEC Sydney Close 2AM ETPI Portfolio Position Insurance
ASEV Asian Session EchoVector (Shanghai Index Centric)
ESEV European Session EchoVector (Continent Centric)
S Short
L Long
ST Short Term
IT Intermediate Term
LT Long Term
STS Short Term Short
STL Short Term Long
STSB Stort Term Short Bias
STLB Short Term Long Bias
SB Short Bias
LB Long Bias
STSO Short Term Short Open
STSC Short Term Short Cover (Close)
STLO Short Term Short Open
STLC Short Term Long Cover (Close)
STLSB Short Term Short Side Bias
STSSB Short Term Short Side Bias
BTO Buy To Open
STC Sell To Close
STO Sell To Open
BTC Buy To Close
PPR Position Polarity Reversal
NF Non-Fulfillment
EVNF EchoVector Non Fullfillment
EWNF EchoWave Non Fullfillment
HB Hourly Basis (OHLC Hourly Increment)
AR Alert Reversal
DP Double Position (Utilizing 100% Margin or Double ETF Instruments)
DL Double Long
DS Double Short
DD Double Double Position (Utiizing Margin and Double ETF Instruments ovenight and/or DTBP Intraday) OTAPS Default Position (Unless Otherwise Specified)
DDL Double Double Long
DDS Double Double Short
DTBP Day Trading Buying Power
UFN Until Further Notice on OTAPS Positioning Assumption Multiple (Base, Double or Double Double Positioning Exposure. Sets OTAPS Status from base to double to double double as mentioned for that security PEB "until further notice.")
FNP Full Net Position
CGC Capital Gain Capture
CGL Capital Gain Lock
FF, ff Price Already Fulfilled
FF Foreward Forecast
LC Limit Side (Downside) to Cover, OTAPS Bias to Cover (Potential Close) Open Long Position on DownTick Through
W/OB OTAPS With Bias to Re-Open Long Position on Uptick Through
LB Lower Band
UB Upper Band
FFTT Forward ForeCast Time Target
FFTAT Forward Forecast Time Period Target
CAP Current Applicable Target
- B Basis
IO If Open
MM Market Maker
FWIF, CWIF Forward/Coming Week in February
CCEV Two-Year Congressional Cycle Price Momentum EchoVector - from Coordinate EBD-TPP (Echo-Back-Date-Time-And-Price-Point)
QEV Quarterly Cycle Price Momentum EchoVector - from coordinate EBDTPP
STS Short-term Short
FIOP Focus Interest Opportunity Time-point or Time-period
PEB Price Equivalency Basis
ITERD-SWTP Inter-day Swing Trade Opportunity Perspective
ITRAD-SWTP Intra-day Swing Trade Opportunity Perspective
IF Inflection Point
PP Pivot Point
EV EchoVector
Q Quarterly
P Price
T Time
QEVPIF Quarterly EchoVector Price Inflection Point
W Weekly Cycle
M Monthly Cycle
Q Quarterly Cycle
A Annual Cycle
CC Congressional Cycle
PC Presidential Cycle
RCC-AB 4-Year Abbreviated One-Term Presidential Cycle)
FRBCT Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Term Cycle
SC Senatorial Cycle
RCC Regime Change Cycle (8-Year Presidential Based)
ST Short-Term
IT Long-Term
CGL Capital Gain Lock
CGC Capital Gain Capture
TD To Date (From Implementation)
EST-G General Gross Estimated Capital Gain
IP Inflection Point Time/Price
EVPP EchoVector Pivot Point Time/Price
PPP EchoVector Pivot Pivot Point Projection Time/Price
OTAPS Position Cover and/or Position Polarity Switch Price
PEB Price Equivalency Basis
D Derivative, Esotic, Synthetic
DB Derivative Basket
DBL Derivative Basket Level
MDPPDLB MDPP Derivatives Level Basket
L Level of Derivative Basket Application Strategy
L1 Basic Derivatives Application Strategy (Single Polarity Instrument Management Basket): BTO and STC Stop Basic Derivative (PEB related) on OTAPS Price Level and Directionality. Open-neutral/stop capability.
L2 Basic Derivatives Application Strategy (Single Polarity Instrument Management Basket): BTO and STC Stop OTAPS Price Level and Directionality With Sell to Close Cover and/or Buy to Re-Open at Upper Band or Lower Band on Forecast/ Adjustment OTAPS Target Reach and/or Traverse. Basic Derivative PEB Selection (Single Polarity Multi-Strike Basket may be utilized). Open-Stop/Neutral-Close/Neutral-Reopen Capability. Single Directionality Profitable.
L3 Dual Polarity Instrument Switching (Long/Short instrument Switching) Derivatives Application Strategy (Dual Polarity Instrument Management Basket: Dual Polarity: Long and Short Polarity Switching to Open and Close at Start/Stop Target and at Forecast/Adjustment Cover Target ): BTO (L or S), STC (L or S) With Opposite Polarity Instrument Switch (Call to Put and Put to Call) and Position Polarity Reversing On OTAPS Forecast/Adjustment Directional Target Price Traversing. Dual Directionally Profitable.
L4 Advanced Combined Polarity Instruments and Polarity Switching Derivatives Application Strategy (Quad Management Basket: Dual Polarity Instruments (BTO and STO) Combined to Single Polarity Basket on One Side of OTAPS Target With OTAPS Stop Sensitivity, Close Sensitivity and Reopen Sensitivity, With Opposite Polarity Basket Opened, Stoped, Closed, and Reopened on Other Side (Directional Sensitivity) of Target. Active and Comcomittant Buy to Open and Sell to Close and Sell to Close and Buy to Open OTAPS Activated and OTAPS Position Value Polarity Reversing Rider Vehicle's Strategy Multi-Basket. Dual-Leveraged Dual Directionally Profitable.
FNPI Full Net Portfolio Value Insurance
FNPL Full Net Portfolio Value Long
FNPS Full Net Portfolio Value Short
FNPDL Full Net Portfolio Value Double Long
FNPDS Full Net Portfolio Value Double Short
FNDDL Full Net Portfolio Value Double Double Long
FNPDDS Full Net Portfolio Value Double Double Short
FNPositionI Full Net Position Value Insurance
FNPositionL Full Net Position Value Long
FNPositionS Full Net Position Value Short
FNPositionDL Full Net Position Value Double Long
FNPositionDS Full Net Position Value Double Short
FNPositionDDL Full Net Position Value Double Double Long
FNPositionDDS Full Net Position Value Double Double Short
FNVI Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Insurance
FNVL Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Long
FNVS Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Short
FNVDL Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Double Long
FNVDS Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Double Short
FNVDDL Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Double Double Long
FNVDDS Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Double Double Short
OOTVTAPS: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch: ootv or otaps (for short), or
OOTVATPS: On-Off-Through Vector Application Target Price Switch Straddle: ootv, otaps, or atpss (for short), or
(OOTVTAPS, OOTVATPS, ootv, otaps, atpss all represent the same formula, entity, methodology, and technology.)
EchoVectorVEST Trademark Terminology Matrix and
Lexical Code and Algorithm Reference Matrix Guide.
Active Advance Management Position Value Optimization
Methodology and Active Advance Management Trade Technology
ProtectVEST and AdvanceVEST by EchoVectorVEST, MDPP
Following are more examples of the fundamental concepts, algorithms, and lexical construct references within the EchoVectorVEST MDPP Trademark Terminology Matrix.
On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch:
Introducing the On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch: OTAPS
A Recursive 3-Legged Conditional Branched Chain Stop-Specific
Trade Trigger Position Management Order Utility Program and
Platform for Advanced Applications of:
FNPI Full Net Portfolio Insurance
FNPL Full Net Portfolio Long
FNPS Full Net Portfolio Short
FNPDL Full Net Portfolio Double Long
FNPDS Full Net Portfolio Double Short
FNPositionI Full Net Position Insurance
FNPositionL Full Net Position Long
FNPositionS Full Net Position Short
FNPositionDL Full Net Position Double Long
FNPositionDS Full Net Position Double Short
FNVI Full Net Vehicle (Price Level) Insurance
FNVL Full Net Vehicle Long
FNVS Full Net Vehicle Short
FNVDL Full Net Vehicle Double Long
FNVDS Full Net Vehicle Double Short
OOTVTAPS: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch:
OOTV or OTAPS (for short)
OTAPS Signals occur either at specific times, or for specific price levels, on the select PEB (Price Equivalency Basis) reference security or instrument, and for its implied and/or pre-addressed range of application. OTAPS signals may be applied to the underlying security referenced and/or its implied range of PEB applications. OTAPS Signals may also be issued additionally, or seperately, and specifically for derivatives-related active advanced management position protection and position advancement possibility alerts, model forecast opportunities, and corresponding positioning strategies.
D Derivative, Esotic, Synthetic
DB Derivative Basket
DBL Derivative Basket Level
MDPPDLB MDPP Derivatives Level Basket
L Level
L1 Basic Derivatives Application Strategy (Single Polarity Instrument Management Basket): BTO and STC Stop Basic Derivative (PEB related) on OTAPS Price Level and Directionality. Open-neutral/stop capability.
L2 Basic Derivatives Application Strategy (Single Polarity Instrument Management Basket): BTO and STC Stop OTAPS Price Level and Directionality With Sell to Close Cover and/or Buy to Re-Open at Upper Band or Lower Band on Forecast/ Adjustment OTAPS Target Reach and/or Traverse. Basic Derivative PEB Selection (Single Polarity Multi-Strike Basket may be utilized). Open-Stop/Neutral-Close/Neutral-Reopen Capability. Single Directionality Profitable.
L3 Dual Polarity Instrument Switching (Long/Short Instrument Switching) Derivatives Application Strategy (Dual Polarity Instrument Management Basket: Dual Polarity: Long and Short Polarity Switching to Open and Close at Start/Stop Target and at Forecast/Adjustment Cover Target ): BTO (L or S), STC (L or S) With Opposite Polarity Instrument Switch (Call to Put and Put to Call) and Position Polarity Reversing On OTAPS Forecast/Adjustment Directional Target Price Traversing. Dual Directionally Profitable.
L4 Advanced Combined Polarity Instruments and Polarity Switching Derivatives Application Strategy (Quad Management Basket: Dual Polarity Instruments (BTO and STO) Combined to Single Polarity Basket on One Side of OTAPS Target With OTAPS Stop Sensitivity, Close Sensitivity and Reopen Sensitivity, With Opposite Polarity Basket Opened, Stoped, Closed, and Reopened on Other Side (Directional Sensitivity) of Target. Active and Comcomittant Buy to Open and Sell to Close and Sell to Close and Buy to Open OTAPS Activated and OTAPS Position Value Polarity Reversing Rider Vehicle's Strategy Multi-Basket. Dual-Leveraged Dual Directionally Profitable.
Following are more examples of the fundamental concepts, algorithms, and lexical construct references within the EchoVectorVEST MDPP Trademark Terminology Matrix.
HFT = High Frequency Trading
g = gld etf
d = dia etf
.xx = Price quoted to cents on active $ price level.
r = reset (new adjustment and setting of OOTVs)
t = TAUA, trailing automatic upward adjustment of ootv(s)
b = for both FNPI and FNPDS.
Also assume both without mention of "b" unless "-b" specified instead.
f = fulfilled. No designated "f" does not preclude fulfilment occurred.
fr = from prior active high reset (adjustment) of active OOTV(s).
c = cover
cov = cover
na = now active
s = OOTV(s) reset (adjusted) to same value as cover price level
ts = TAUA set at same level as cover price quoted
t1 = TAUA set 1 cent above cover price quoted
t02 = TAUA set 2 cents above cover price quoted, etc.
t03 = TAUA set 3 cents above cover price quoted, etc.
t05 = TAUA set 5 cents above cover price quoted, etc.
t10 = TAUA set 10 cents above cover price quoted, etc.
a = active high reset price levels for active fnpi and fnpds OOTV(s) settings
apr = prior active high OOTV adjustment price level from TAUA or specified reset.
g = capital gain lock base differential (multiply by 3 for total (gt) when b = FNPI and FNPDS).
gt = captial gain lock total differential, total differential from total short-term move.
ae = time am est
pe = time pm est
tp = current trading price (bid, last print)
g c .70 rs t05 b f fr .80 g .10 gt .30
(Partial Exposition)
3. DERIVATIVES: Derivatives Baskets Reference Guide (DBRG)
D Derivatives, Esoterics, Synthetics
DB Derivative Basket
DBL Derivative Basket Level
MDPPDLB MDPP Derivatives Level Basket
L Level and Compositions of P&A By EVV MDPP Precision Pivots Derivative Basket Applications Strategy
L1 Basic Derivatives Application Strategy (Single Polarity Instrument Management Basket): BTO and STC Stop
Basic Derivative (PEB related) on OTAPS Price Level and Directionality. Open-neutral/stop capability.
L2 Basic Derivatives Application Strategy (Single Polarity Instrument Management Basket): BTO and STC Stop OTAPS Price Level and Directionality With Sell to Close Cover and/or Buy to Re-Open at Upper Band or Lower Band on Forecast/ Adjustment OTAPS Target Reach and/or Traverse. Basic Derivative PEB Selection (Single Polarity Multi-Strike Basket may be utilized). Open-Stop/Neutral-Close/Neutral-Reopen Capability. Single Directionality Profitable.
L3 Dual Polarity Instrument Switching (Long/Short instrument Switching) Derivatives Application Strategy (Dual Polarity Instrument Management Basket: Dual Polarity: Long and Short Polarity Switching to Open and Close at Start/Stop Target and at Forecast/Adjustment Cover Target ): BTO (L or S), STC (L or S) With Opposite Polarity Instrument Switch (Call to Put and Put to Call) and Position Polarity Reversing On OTAPS Forecast/Adjustment Directional Target Price Traversing. Dual Directionally Profitable.
ACS-L4* Advanced Combined Polarity Instruments and Polarity Switching Derivatives Application Strategy (Quad Management Basket: Dual Polarity Instruments (BTO and STO) Combined to Single Polarity Basket on One Side of OTAPS Target With OTAPS Stop Sensitivity, Close Sensitivity and Reopen Sensitivity, With Opposite Polarity Basket Opened, Stoped, Closed, and Reopened on Other Side (Directional Sensitivity) of Target. Active and Comcomittant Buy to Open and Sell to Close and Sell to Close and Buy to Open OTAPS Activated and OTAPS Position Value Polarity Reversing Rider Vehicle's Strategy Multi-Basket. Dual-Leveraged Dual Directionally Profitable.
Divisions of Motion Dynamics and Precision Pivots, Bradford Market Research and Analytics
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ProtectVEST And AdvanceVEST By EchoVectorVEST MDPP PRECISON PIVOTS (See Below)
EchoVectorVEST MDPP Precision Pivots Copyright And Trademark
To Aid The Understanding, Navigation And Interpretation
Of Model Illustrations And Alerts
EchoVector Theory and EchoVector Analysis are a price pattern impact Theory and a technical analysis methodology and approach postulated and invented by Kevin John Bradford Wilbur.
EchoVector Analysis is also presented as a behavioral economic application and securities analysis tool in price pattern theory, behavior, study, forecasting, and speculation.
EchoVector Pivot Points are a further technical analysis tool and application within EchoVector Analysis, derived from EchoVector Theory in practice.
EchoVector Theory and EchoVector Analysis assert that a securities prior price patterns may influence its present and future price patterns. Present and future price patterns may then, in part, be considered as 'echoing' these prior price patterns to some identifiable and measurable degree.
EchoVector Theory and EchoVector Analysis also assert that these influences may be observable, identifiable, and measurable in price pattern behavior and price pattern history, and potentially observable in future price pattern formation, and potentially efficacious in future price pattern forecasting, to some measure or degree.
EchoVector Analysis is also used to forecast and project potential price Pivot Points (referred to as PPP's --potential pivot points, or EVPP's --Echovector Pivot Points) and future support and resistance vectors (SRV's for a security from a starting reference price at a starting reference time, based on the securities prior price pattern within a given and significant and definable cyclical time frame.
EchoVector Pivot Points and EchoVector Support and Resistance Vectors are fundamental components of EchoVector Analysis. EchoVector SRV's are constructed from the key components in the EchoVector Pivot Point calculation, being the identified and calculated Coordinate Forecast EchoVectors to the key echovector calculation and construction.
The EchoVector Pivot Point Calculation is a fundamentally different and more advanced calculation than the traditional pivot point calculation.
The EchoVector Pivot Point Calculation differs from traditional pivot point calculation by reflecting this given and specified cyclical price pattern reference and its significance and information in the echovector pivot point calculation. This cyclical price pattern reference is included in the calculations and constructions of the echovector and its respective coordinate forecast echovectors used in the related pivot point calculations.
While a traditional pivot point calculation may use simple price averages of prior price highs, lows and closes to calculate its set of support and resistance levels, the echovector pivot point calculation begins with any starting time and price point and respective cyclical time frame reference, and then identifies the corresponding “Echo-Back-Time-Point” coordinate to (within) this cyclical time frame reference, and then calculates the echovector generated by the starting reference time/price point and the echo-back-time-point, includes the pre-determined and pre-defined accompanying constellation of “Coordinate -Forecast EchoVectors” which are derived from the prior price pattern evidenced around the echo-back-time-point within a certain pre-selected and specified range occurring within the particular referenced cyclical time-frame and period, and then calculates and projects the subject reference price point's key forward pivot points and support and resistance levels relative to this given cyclical time-frame span.
EchoVector Pivot Points are therefore advanced and fluid calculations of projected support and resistance levels which are derived from ascending, descending and/or lateral support and resistance vectors calculated for a particular starting price and time point based on the related price pivoting action that had followed its prior echo-back-time-point corresponding to the echovectors given cyclically-based and construction relative time-span.
The support and resistance vectors, referred to as the coordinate forecast echovectors, are used to generate the EchoVector Pivot Points.
The coordinate forecast echovectors originate in a predefined range of price pivots that occurred proximate to the Echo-back-time-point within the given cyclical time frame of the starting reference price.
The coordinate forecast echovectors reflect the price momentum relationship of the starting reference point price and the echo-back-time-point in their calculation and the calculation of the EchoVector Pivot Points.
In these respects, and echovector pivot point may be considered a price level of particular significance in the technical analysis of a security or financial market that may be usable by trader's as a forecasting indicator of a securities or future markets time and price vector influenced cyclical price movements.
EchoVector pivot points and their related support and resistance levels also have the calculation advantage of being able to be calculated on the basis of short-term, intermediate-term, or longer-term time frames within varied cyclical price references and posited 'echo-characteristic' based time-spans.
Defining the EchoVector (EV) of Time Length X (for price/time point A
(with market trade print price p at time point t) of security I
(investment) with Echo-Back-Time-Point A,t-X, p-N.
S Start Point
EVSF of Length (time-frame) X
The EchoVector "X-EV" of Security (investment) "I" Measured from Market
Trade Time-Point/Print-Price Point Starting Point "A"
Definition: The EchoVector (XEV)
For any base security I at price/time point A, A found having print
price p at print time t, then EchoVector XEV of I of time (cycle) length
X for starting time/price point A would be (I,Apt,XEV) where the
echovector's end point is (I,Apt) and the echovector's starting point is
I,Ap-n,t-X, where N is the found print price difference between A and
EchoBackTimePoint A (A,p-N,t-X at t-X) of Echo-Back-Time-Length, or Echo-
Cycle Length, X.
A,p-n,t-X shall be called B, or B of I, being the EBTPP(Echo-Back-Time-and-Price-Point)*, or Echo-Back-Date (EBD)*, of A of I.
N = difference of p at A and p at B (B is the 'echo-back price-point,
and time-point, of A, found at A,p-N,t-X.
And I (I,Apt,XEV) shall have an echobacktimepoint (EBTP) of At-X, or I-
A-EBTP of At-X, (or echobackdate (EBD) I-A-EBD of At-X), t often
displayed on a chart measured and referenced in discrete d measurement
length units (often OHLC or candlestick widthed and lengthed units
[bars]), such as minute, 5-minute, 15-minute, 30-minute, hourly, 2-hour,
4-hour, 6-hour, 8-hour, daily, weekly, etc.
Significant "Non-Intraday Single-Exchange" EchoVector Time Period
Lengths, or EchoVector Echo-Cycle Period lengths, occur as follows.
(X is the time or cycle length of the EchoVector Period, the EP, the
Asian Market Echo
European Market Echo
24-Hour Echo
2-Day Echo
3-Day Echo
Weekly Echo
Bi-Weekly Echo
Monthly Echo
Bi-Monthly Echo
Quarterly Echo
Bi-Quarterly Echo
3-Quarter Echo
Annual Echo
15-Month Echo
18-Month Echo
2-Year(Congressional Cycle) Echo
4-Year (Presidential cycle and mid-Regime Cycle) Echo
5-Year (FRB cycle) Echo
6-Year (Tri-Congressional Cycle) Echo
8-Year Regime Change Cycle Echo
10-Year Decennial Cycle Echo
16-Year Bi-Regime Change Cycle Echo (Nativity echo)
32-Year Quad-Regime Change Cycle echo (Maturity Echo)
Shorter, Intra-day market EchoVectors are readily calculable, as well
are longer-term study echovectors.
Calculating the Coordinate Forecast Echovector and The Coordinated
Potential Pivot Price Point and Coordinated Potential Pivot Time-point
Definition: The Coordinate Forecast EchoVector (CFEV)
For any EV of X base length (time frame, or time length, or cycle
period), such as lengths intra-day, daily, 3-day, weekly, bi-weekly,
monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, b-quarterly, annual, bi-annual,
presidential cycle, or regime change cycle, (and with lengths measured
in incremental -often OHLC- units such as minutes, hours, days, weeks,
or, shorter or longer unit) constructed for security I from starting EV
reference point A with print price point p at time point t (Apt) and
EBTP or EBD A-Length X at print price p (t-X), Coordinate Forecast
EchoVectors (CFEVs) can be constructed having the same slope and lengths
(phase adjusted) as XEV of A of I.
Coordinate Forecast EchoVectors and their starting points shall have the
following relationships to A of I and B of I, or EchoVector XEV-BA of I.
Base Construction Versions For the CFEV:
A. Time-Frame Distance Versions
B. Price Distance Versions
C. Model PreSet Value Distance Versions
Versions: 1,2,3,4,5,6
A. CFEV Starting Point Construction: Time-Frame Distance Based Versions
1. Absolute Time Distance Based (Within Select Range) From B, Select
2. Percent X Time Distance Based (Within Select Range) From B, Select
B. CFEV Starting Point Construction: Price Distant Based Versions
3. Absolute Price Distance Based (Within Select Focus Interest Range,
Extension) From B, Select
4. Percent Price Distance Based (Within Select Range Focus Interest)
From B, Select
C. PreSet Value Distance Based CFEV Starting Point Construction
5. PreSet Absolute Time Distance Based (Range Specified)
6. Preset Percent X Time Distance Based (Range Specified)
*The EchoVectoVEST MDPP Precision Pivots Forecast Model And Alert
Paradigm primarily utilizes specifically defined values of 5. and 6. above
in its CFEV Constellation Illustrations and Highlights for specified
focus interest opportunity securities and their projected forward focus
interest opportunity time-periods and price points. Example CFEV
constructions that follow will utilize these constructions unless noted
The CFEVs found relevant and proximate to BA on the basis of one of the
above 6 relationships shall be called EchoVector XEV BA's CFEV
Constellation, Base 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
The CFEV PPPs correlate to A, B, and O, and are referred to as Ps or PP's --pivot points or potential pivots (or PPPs --projected pivot points or potential pivot points or price pivot points), or flex points.
They are 'forecast-ed' and 'focus interest' coordinate to A, B and O support, resistance, or flex points, derived from the CFEV's found originating within Range C from the 'scope relevant' pivots occurring there. These EchoVector and their coordinate forecast EchoVector based Pivot Points constitute trade position opportunitities, refererred to as Focus Interest Opportunity Points (or Pivots), FIOPs, or simply as OPs (opportunities or options) or POPs (potential opportunities or options).
Projecting The SRV PPs Of A of I from A to B to EVAB to O to CFEV-OPP, (Given V, Range C, and EV-TL-X, XEV)
EV-TL (EchoVector Time Length X)
Forward PP (Derived from O occurring in Range C After B)
Back PP (Derived from O occurring in Range C Before B)
Up PP (Derived from O occurring in Range C Above B)
Down PP (Derived from O occurring in Range C Below B)
The FIOP CFEV price origins O will occur above or below the EBTP B.
As any CFEV origin, O, occurring within Range C, occurs above or below EBTP B, so therefore will the correlate PP of CFEV OPP occur above or below A.
As all FIOP CFEV origin prices occur above and/or below B, all PPPs of CFEV POPP will correspondingly occur above and/or below A.
PPPs will be designated S1 S2 and S3 and R1 R2 and R3, as they occur in proximity to O, B, and A, depending on applied V and R-C and the resulting time distance and/or price distance given by V, ant the directional pivots of O (up-wave, down-wave, sideways, flex-point)
Definition: The Coordinate Forecast EchoVector: (CFEV)
For any EV of X base length (time frame, or time length, or cycle
period), such as lengths intra-day, daily, 3-day, weekly, bi-weekly,
monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, b-quarterly, annual, bi-annual,
presidential cycle, or regime change cycle, (and with lengths measured
in incremental -often OHLC- units such as minutes, hours, days, weeks,
or, shorter or longer unit) constructed for security I from starting EV
reference point A with print price point p at time point t (Apt) and
EBTP or EBD A-Length X at print price p (t-X), Coordinate Forecast
EchoVectors (CFEVs) can be constructed having the same slope and lengths
(phase adjusted) as XEV of A of I.
Coordinate Forecast EchoVectors and their starting points shall have the
following relationships to A of I and B of I, or EchoVector XEV-BA of I.
Base Construction Versions For the CFEV:
A. Time-Frame Distance Versions
B. Price Distance Versions
C. Model Pre-set Value Distance Versions
Versions: 1,2,3,4,5,6
A. CFEV Starting Point Construction: Time-Frame Distance Based Versions
1. Absolute Time Distance Based (Within Select Range) From B, Select
2. Percent X Time Distance Based (Within Select Range) From B, Select
B. CFEV Starting Point Construction: Price Distant Based Versions
3. Absolute Price Distance Based (Within Select Focus Interest Range,
Extension) From B, Select
4. Percent Price Distance Based (Within Select Range Focus Interest)
From B, Select
C. Pre-set Value Distance Based CFEV Starting Point Construction
5. Pre-set Absolute Time Distance Based (Range Specified)
6. Pre-set Percent X Time Distance Based (Range Specified)
*The EchoVectoVEST MDPP Precision Pivots Forecast Model And Alert
Paradigm primarily utilizes specifically refined values of 5. and 6. above
in its CFEV Constellation Illustrations and Highlights for specified
focus interest opportunity securities and their projected forward focus
interest opportunity time-periods and price points. Example CFEV
constructions that follow will utilize these constructions unless noted
Defining, Calculating, Constructing and Generating the Coordinate
Forecast EchoVectors
EBD is the Echo-BackDate
EBD-T is the Echo-BakeDateTime
EBTP is the Echo-Back-Time-Point with print price found to be p-N.
EBD-TI is the Echo-BackDateTimeIncrement, or EBDT-ITMU incremental time
measurement unit, or imu or mu, or d for designated unit (EBDT-MU, or
EBDT-U, or EBDT-d)
(EX.: minute, 5min, 15min, hourly, 2-hour, 4-hour, daily weekly,
monthly, etc.)
EBTP is also often referred to as the XEV EBPP, or the Echo-Back-Price-Point
of XEV
L is length of the Echo-Period (EP); or X, being the time-length and
cycle length of the EchoVector EV. XEV or LEV
Primary Model Focus Interest EP or Echo-Period Lengths, or EchoVector
Time or Cycle Period Time Lengths
Asian Market Echo (t, open, lunchtime, close, etc.)
European Market Echo
24hour Echo
2day Echo
3day Echo
weekly Echo
biweekly Echo
monthly Echo
bimonthly Echo
quarterly Echo
biquarterly Echo
3quarter Echo
annual Echo
15month Echo
18month Echo
2year(Congressional Cycle) Echo
4year (Presidential Cycle and mid-Regime Cycle) Echo
5year (FRB cycle) Echo
6year (Tri-Congressional Cycle) Echo
8year Regime Change Cycle Echo
10year Decennial Cycle Echo
16year Bi-Regime Change Cycle Echo (Nascent echo)
32year Quad-Regime Change Cycle echo (Maturity Echo)
The Starting Date, time and price point of the EV: The Stp, or Apt, or
A, or SDTPP-A, or EV origin point O.
A is The Sdtp, the summation and reference origin date, time and price
point (Starting time and price point of reference for XEV BA).
The Sdtp is an actual' market price trade point print,' being an exchange
actual buy/sell trade occurrence 'print' posted as taking place at the
specific referenced time and price.
XEV BA is the "Echo" vector from ebtp (EchoBackTimePoint B) to sdtp
(Summation-Date-Time PricePoint).
A is considered as having 'echo characteristic relationship' in some
definable or designate-able form, manner, or degree a 'parameter
relationship contiguity,' to B, the EBTP, on some dimension.
The notion of 'similar' or 'contiguous' on some measure, parameter,
index, dimension, aspect or reference is implied and/or is axiomatic.
Likeness in quality, time, space, context, origin, or relation... to
some degree or measure is axiomatic to the methodology.
FIO EV: focus interest opportunity echovector
The FIOP (focus or forecast interest opportunity point (or period, or
pivot). It is derived from the S-dtp, that is, from A.
In some citations Delta EV BA to EchoVector EV AB is reference to have A as time 'antecedent,' (the echo-back-date and/or echo-back-time-point and/or echo-back-date-time-point)
as b as the Constructions beginning or starting price and time point reference, or starting dtp S, B, that is, the EchoVector's starting price and time point of reference, or EV origin.
Also definition-ally derived from XEV AB are the CFEVs, the Coordinate
Forecast EchoVectors, also having EchoVector AB length X and EchoVector
BA slope m (for momentum, or slope w for wave), and having
Echo-Back-Date-Time-Point B as the "CFEV Constellation Base Point," from
which the Key Immediate Coordinate Forecast EchoVectors, the Focus
Interest Opportunity PPVs (Potential Pivot Vectors), or SRV
Constellation (Support/Resistance, or Flex-point Vector Constellation
Projections) are, by specified relation (Versions 1 to 6), derived.
From the constellation of 'scope relative' prior and following pivot
point highs and lows occurring within Range C (elect Version 1 to 6), the
applied CFEV Constellation Range, the CFEV or PPV EBTP origins are
These origins are identified as the scope-relative wave point
pivot price point highs and lows occurring before and after B within
Range C (Range C is, again, specified by time length distance
backward and forward from B, by percentage of X from B, or by (within
absolute time-length distance from B, or by (within) percent of B price
distance from B, or by (within) absolute price length distance (N) from
B, or by percent N from B, or by stochastically-related and 'Modeling
process determined' (and then preset distance --absolute or percent-- from
B designated; B being the EBTP of A.
These Range C subsumed wave point pivot highs and lows constitute the
CFEV Focus Interest Origin Points (FIOPs), from which the relative CFEV
are derived, and from which the Focus Interest Opportunity SRV PP
Constellation Set is derived. These CFEV origin points, O's relate to
the EBTP of A, being B, and the Base Construction Version and Range C of
the CFEV, and its mathematical definition. From these origin points
(correlated to B by V), and from EV-AB attributes, being of the same
length and slope, the CFEVs are derived, as well as the CFEV PPPs.
The CFEV PPPs correlate to A, B, and O, and are referred to as Ps or PP's
--pivot points or potential pivots (or PPPs --projected pivot points or
potential pivot points), or flex points.
They are 'forecast-ed' and 'focus interest' coordinate to A, B and O
support, resistance, or flex points, derived from the CFEV's found
originating within Range C from the 'scope relevant' pivots occuring
there. These EchoVector and their coordinate forecast EchoVector based
Pivot Points constitute trade position opportunities, referred to as
Focus Interest Opportunity Points (or Pivots), FIOPs, or simply as OPs
(opportunities or options) or POPs (potential opportunities or options).
Projecting The SRV PPs Of A of I from A to B to EVAB to O to CFEV-OPP,
(Given V, Range C, and EVTLX, XEV)
EVTL (EchoVector Time Length X)
Forward PP (Derived from O occurring in Range C After B).
Back PP (Derived from O occurring in Range C Before B)
Up PP (Derived from O occurring in Range C Above B)
Down PP (Derived from O occurring in Range C Below B)
The FIOP CFEV price origins O will occur above or below the EBTP B.
As any CFEV origin, O, occurring within Range C, occurs above or below
EBTP B, so therefore will the correlate PP of CFEV OPP occur above or
below A.
As all FIOP CFEV origin prices occur above and/or below B, all PPPs of
CFEV POPP will correspondingly occur above and/or below A.
PPPs will be designated S1 S2 and S3 and R1 R2 and R3, as they occur in
proximity to O, B, and A, depending on applied V and Range C specifications, and the
resulting time distance and/or price distance given by V (Version), and the
directional pivots of O (up-wave, down-wave, sideways flex-point)